Phil Edwards

Senior Architectural Technician

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Phil has been with the Practice since 2020 and works mostly within the healthcare sector. His main role is to provide technical support to the team and carry out drawing work throughout the detailed design, tender, and construction stages of projects.

With a career of 40+ years under his belt, he has gained a wealth of knowledge through experience across a wide range of disciplines, including architecture, mechanical engineering, CAD/CAM development and IT support. In architecture, he has worked in residential, commercial, telecommunications, retail, leisure, government, automotive and healthcare sectors.

Outside of work, Phil is interested in mountaineering, cycling, walking, skiing, sea kayaking, and photography.

Not many people know several interesting facts about Phil. He has built two rally cars for competition and a kit car, among other things. He once won a ‘Pig’s trotter’ (an Italian delicacy) in a running road race in Venice by breaking the 4-minute mile.