Appoint Us

As public sector specialists Pinnegar Hayward Design are on a number of public sector frameworks which allow local authorities, education and health sector clients to appoint us and be complaint with government procurement rules. Some of these are highlighted below but please contact the office so we can advise of the best route to suit your needs.

Many of these frameworks are also accessible to private sector clients. We frequently participate in competitive tenders, both within and outside of frameworks, ensuring we consistently provide value for money to all our clients.

Our frameworks

HealthTrust Europe

The Business Consultancy Solutions and Advisory Services tender exercise was conducted by HealthTrust Europe and designed to support the NHS and other Public Sector Organisations in managing the dynamics of the consultancy market, offering a simple, compliant route for the procurement of a range of expert consultancy services at competitive rates, PHd are available on this Framework via Lot 7 for the third consecutive time.

Procure Partnerships

Procure Partnerships Framework supports public sector organisations to find the highest quality contractors and professional services consultants within their region. With five PCR15 compliant frameworks PHd can be appointed via the Professional Services section in various regions across the UK.


This fully PCR-compliant DPS will enable clients access to solutions covering the full spectrum of construction and premises consultancy services, and PHd are available national for lead consultant, architectural and principal designer services.

Telford & Wrekin Council

This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) provides a database of Approved suppliers considered capable of carrying out professional consultancy services to a satisfactory standard. It covers a wide range of public sector clients and is one PHd are pleased to be part of for our local authority clients in particular.

Estates and Facilities Professional Services DPS

Procure a wide range of Estates & Facilities Consultancy Services in one place for your institution’s works projects and / or programmes.


Our Neutral Vendor MSP offers our public sector clients full control over their category specific spend.

Bloom Procurement Services Ltd

Bloom is the delivery partner to NEPO, providing an efficient and compliant route for its members and associate members.